Teaching Your Child about Gossip

It is never too early to begin teaching your child good values. At some point, most school-age children will fall into or become a victim of gossip. Parents need to be proactive and address the consequences of gossip and how it can be avoided.Explain to your children what gossip is and what it isn't. Help them to understand that when a simple story gets passed around and changes, it can hurt a person's feelings or reputation. Remind them that gossip can travel quickly once it leaves their lips, and each time the story is told, some incorrect information may be added. Give them real life examples and then help them understand gossip in a concrete way with the activities below.

Have everyone sit in a circle. Ask the first person to whisper a short story to the person next to him. The second person whispers it to the person next to him, and this continues around the circle. When the last person in the circle has heard the story, have him repeat aloud what he heard. Your family may get a good laugh at the final version of the story, but it clearly demonstrates how a message can get lost in translation when it's repeated from person to person. Remind your children that though it may be unintentional, details become distorted.

Here's another activity that will help your child understand the results of gossip. Give your child a tube of toothpaste and a paper plate. Have him squeeze some of the toothpaste onto the plate. Now, tell your child to put the toothpaste back into the tube. After they try to accomplish this nearly impossible task, explain that once our words leave our mouths, we can never take them back.

Read Luke 6:45- "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."
Make the point that just as the toothpaste came from inside the tube through the "mouth" of the tube, the thoughts that come from our hearts go through our mouths. What we say is a reflection of what is in our hearts.

We can teach our children about the perils of gossip by modeling the correct behavior ourselves. Whether you realize it or not, you set an example for your child. You are your child's hero. He is watching you, and he will learn how to handle certain situations by following your actions. Does your child hear you gossiping on the telephone with a friend or at home with your spouse? How do you handle circumstances when someone else is gossiping? Do you stop your child when he is speaking unkindly about someone? Show your child how to be a good friend and help him develop character by avoiding gossip.

It’s Bingo time!

Children love to play games, so why not use games to teach? I have discovered that playing Bingo is an exceptional way to teach several educational concepts because it has many play options, flexible difficulty levels, and a variety of content.

In the preschool to early elementary years, ABC Bingo and Number Bingo teach children to recognize letters and numbers. My children use a classic Bingo game to learn higher number recognition.

Sight Word Bingo is a great way to practice words that children must master to improve their reading ability. For math, there are Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Bingo. Your child is never too old to sharpen these math skills. But it doesn’t end there! I have even played Money and Time Bingo with my children, and they really have no idea that they are learning educational skills while playing.
To add an extra helping of fun, use food items as markers. Try candy corn for Halloween and Thanksgiving, red and green gumdrops for Christmas, candy hearts for Valentine's Day, and jelly beans for Easter. My children love using M & M's and Skittles as markers anytime of the year.
To create custom Bingo cards for holidays and themes that are absolutely FREE (the best kind, right?), CLICK HERE.  DLTK is a Bingo player's dream site with so many FUN options. They even have options to use words to help with reading. How cool!

TIP: Each time you click "Print a Bingo card" a different card will be made. I also like to print my cards on cardstock so they are more durable for my little ones.

Family Heritage Project

As parents, we understand the value of teaching our children about significant events in our nation's past. I believe that teaching our children about their family history and heritage is just as important. They can greatly benefit by understanding the lives and character of family members.

Too often, we don't make this a priority until the people who could tell our family's heritage are long passed away. Names are lost, places forgotten, and stories are left untold. I had planned to do a family heritage project with my oldest son for years. In September, I decided this project would no longer be on the bottom of my to-do list. It became a top priority when I made it our first family project this school year.

A family heritage project lets you and your children work together to preserve your family's heritage, history, and stories. It combines family trees, biographies of relatives, photos, treasured letters, memoirs, and other materials that make your family history come alive.

I had my oldest son use the questions below to interview each of his grandparents. You can also gather treasured memories from aunts, uncles, and longtime family friends. My son recorded their responses, summarized them in paragraph form, and typed up the summaries. He asked them to send several photographs, ranging from their childhood to the present. It is important for children to see photographs of older relatives when they were younger, so they can relate to their life stories better.

Here are some questions that we used to learn more about our relatives:
  • What is your full name? And your maiden name (if applicable)?
  • Were you named after anyone special?
  • Where and when were you born?
  • What are the names of your brothers and sisters? Who is the oldest and youngest?
  • What were your hobbies as a child? Your favorite games?
  • Describe your childhood home and your hometown.
  • What is your favorite childhood memory?
  • Who influenced you the most?
  • Did your family have any special traditions growing up?
  • What was your biggest dream/goal when you were a child? Did it come true?
  • What were your favorite and your most challenging subjects in school?
  • What was your first job?
  • What other occupations have you had? Did you have any special schooling/training for them?
  • Did you serve in the military? What were you trained to do? What do you remember most about your service?
  • Are there some special family heirlooms that have been handed down to you?
  • Where and how did you meet your spouse?
  • When and where did you get married? How old were each of you?
  • Where was your honeymoon?
  • Tell me a little bit about your life together.
  • What is your favorite movie? What is your favorite song?
  • Is there a period in history that stands out to you more than others?
  • What age did you accept Christ as your Savior?
  • What is your favorite Bible verse?
  • What words of advice can you give me?

I gathered the summaries, photographs, letters, and other memorabilia and inserted them in an album. I purchased a beautiful, ready-made family scrapbook, but if you enjoy scrapbooking, let your creativity flow and encourage your children to help.

This project was so rewarding. It brought back a flood of memories from my childhood with my grandparents and parents. There were many priceless stories that have been shared with my children recently, and I learned several interesting facts about my family that I did not know before this project.

I only wish I had done this sooner. It was difficult documenting information about my grandparents who have all passed away. They would've had so much more to share with my children and future generations.

I hope this project will bring you and your family closer together. This album may become a precious family treasure that will be handed down for many generations.

Enjoy learning more about your family,