Have fun with book reports!

Here are some creative alternatives for book reports. These ideas are from How to Teach Your Child
  • Write a letter to a main character in the book or the author of the book. You can even mail it to the author, and you may be surprised to see how many authors actually reply!
  • Pretend your child is a radio broadcaster, and have him make an informative advertisement for the book. Record him on a cassette tape or MP3 player. This is fantastic for informational books. 
  • Chapter X- If your child wishes his book had never ended or that the ending was different, this may be for him! Write an additional chapter.
  • Create a comic book of all the main events in the book. This is terrific for children who like to draw.
  • Make a diorama. This is a timeless classic. A diorama is usually made inside a small box, such as a shoebox. The background is drawn, painted, or pasted inside the box. The diorama shows a favorite scene of a story. Nurture your child’s creativity.
  • Create a television commercial for the book. Tell the audience why the book should be purchased. Be persuasive and include props. Be careful not to give the ending away. Videotape your child, so he can watch himself on television. Let him be a star!
  • Design a new book jacket. Your child can use the computer for graphics if he prefers. Include a summary of the book, and write a brief biography about the author for the back cover.
  • Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Write an editorial review of the book that would be appropriate for a newspaper or magazine.
  • Create a test or quiz about the book. Your child may write true and false, multiple choice, matching, and essay questions. Make sure to include an answer key. Let your child be the teacher, and you take the test. I hope you pass!
  • Make a puppet of a main character, put on a puppet show, and write a character sketch that highlights several important characteristics or personality traits.
  • Give a “Book-Talk” dressed as a main character in the book. Tell the audience specific reasons to read the book. Make it sound so good that everyone will want to read it. Do not forget the video camera!
  • Make a timeline of the major events pertaining to the main character in the book. This is excellent for biographies.
  • Create a puzzle by drawing on construction paper or poster board a favorite scene or the setting from the book. Cut the illustration into at least five puzzle pieces. Put the pieces into a plastic bag, and have someone put it together.
  • Start your own monthly book club. Each month members in the book club can read a book from a predetermined genre or theme. Everyone can complete a project, and give an oral report or presentation to the group. This is great for practicing public speaking skills.

Enjoy making reading FUN!