Week 3 | Peace in Teaching and Parenting

This Week's Focus: Peace in Teaching and Parenting

In this week's course, Annie shares her heart on how to have peace in teaching and parenting. Peace in the midst of the storm. A peace that surpasses all understanding. 

When we have that kind of peace, despite our difficult circumstances, what an example to the children in our life!

This Week's Course:

Just click HERE to listen or the play icon on the radio widget below for the introduction and all the details. 

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This Week's Scripture:

Each week we are focusing on one new scripture. Download this week's scripture and place it in areas that will be help you be mindful of what you gained from this course. There are 4 per page so that you can post them in four different places!

This week our scripture verse is, "And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." ~ Philippians 4:7