For over twenty years, the leprechaun would visit my classroom and then my home when I began to homeschool. My kids have made countless traps all in hopes to catch the leprechaun's pot of gold. They haven't caught him yet, but they don't seem to mind too much since he always leaves them a special treat behind, such as one of these. If you need a laugh, you have to read my post- A Funny and VERY TRUE St. Patrick's Day Story I promise you this is for real- I could not make this stuff up folks!
Silly McGilly actually visits your house on St. Patrick's Day (or even a few days before) and he loves to play tricks on little ones, such as: hiding toys, turning things upside down, changing toilet water green, and leaving cabinet doors open (oh wait, that's my 20 year-old son!)
I plan to sit Silly McGilly by our window and then my younger kids can write letters to him and keep a scrapbook of the funny tricks he plays on them.
On March 17th, we like to begin our morning with reading the classic Dr. Seuss book, Green Eggs and Ham. Afterwards, we eat green eggs and ham. ☺
My favorite art project that my little ones have completed is the torn paper art project. It's also great for fine motor skills. CLICK HERE for the directions.
My three and four-year-olds are going to be using bingo markers to have some fun with these activities. CLICK HERE to print off some copies for your wee little ones to enjoy.
My former students and my own children have enjoyed graphing Lucky Charms for as long as I can remember. This is a classic activity every year. Tip: Before you open the box, ask your child which type he/she thinks will be the most popular type of marshmallow. This is a terrific way to practice making predictions, as well as practicing graphing skills. CLICK HERE to print off a copy.
For a fun science activity, we like to do a Color Changing Milk Experiment. CLICK HERE for instructions. Tip: It does not work with the foam dishwashing soap.
For writing, I like to use these creative writing prompts.
HERE are tons of free St. Patrick's Day printables, such as: games, mazes, handwriting, practicing math skills, art ideas and much more!
My kids will not let me forget to make this crockpot potato soup recipe, which has become a family tradition. CLICK HERE for the recipe.

Here is a video of my kids and I making the potato soup and Shamrock Shakes (also called Yoda Soda or Lucky Lime).
For a fun dessert, we make rainbow cookies. CLICK HERE to see how we do this.
photo from LiveJournal
Even though I like doing fun activities for this holiday, I read The Story of St. Patrick to my older children. With all the not-so-family-friendly ways that people in the U.S. celebrate St. Patrick's Day, I want my kids to understand why the holiday originated and how amazing this heroic person really was.
Did you know that Saint Patrick was known for his intense prayer life and that he used the three leaf-clover to explain the Trinity to others? We use this visual and sometimes even make our own trinity shamrocks. CLICK HERE to print off a copy.

My sweet blogging friend, Shannon, has found lots of online learning activities for St. Patrick's Day.
She linked them all to one easy-to-use website. So cool!
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Wishing you a happy St. Patrick's Day!